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Thursday, January 29, 2009
pounds ago...

what a catch i have <3

Mama (He Treats Your Daughter Mean) - Ruth Brown


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

seriously? time flies when you're having fun.

let's rock this year, love.

i wonder what kind of luck we'll have~

[you look scared and i'm demonic]
[i love us]

i've gonna get rusty.
time for a run on Ai.
what should i make?



Sunday, January 25, 2009
or so hours to create my oh so precious Darkie.
okay, so i exaggerate a tad.
27 hours =)
that's still more than a full day.
and i am proud - oh so proud.
so his head is a teeny bit smaller than what it's supposed to be.
i'll redo it when i have time.
i wonder why all my time and energy goes into my art
and i focus on nothing else.
i wonder...

my next project will be harder though.
stupid wooden box.
i hope i can come up with something spectacular soon.
this class is my high grade for this quarter.
cố lên! cố lên!

project, paper, midterm, project, midterm, paper, midterm.
my schedule for the next two weeks.
but i don't really mind.
i like the heavy workload.
i can organize,
execute my tasks,
much much better.

i'll make time, though,
for snowboarding.
what's my new goal?
learn how to fucking turn right
i don't know why i can't.
it's okay, rimo,
you will be well-loved.
well, well-loved.


Wednesday, January 21, 2009
and three thousand lifetimes later~

you are the...

peanut butter to my celery
the banana and soy sauce to my rice
the pizza sauce to my banana
the milk to my pizza
the oyster sauce to my beef
the butter to my ramen
the thousand island of my life

only you would buy $200 sunglasses to take pictures with me and my goggles =)

you complete me <3

Love Today - Mika


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

years of waiting has ended.

i finally got it going.

you rock, my love.

but now, you'll have be there everyday



Sunday, January 11, 2009
i really should get my chictopia going
but i've been so forgetful lately.

its not like i have change anything anyway-
it should be my daily style that goes on there

its rather awkward
to ask for that sort of thing

i should find someone
who will be with me on this

cố lên! cố lên!



Friday, January 9, 2009
bottles of beer on the wall,
fifty-three bottles of beer.

take one down
pass it around

fifty-two bottles of beer on the wall

life is changing before our eyes.
document it as you will:
take those pictures

record those moments
files those thoughts

and those feelings
in the slots of your brain

but know this-

it won't stay the same.
the feelings
and thoughts
to that piece of memory
will never be the same.

and that is because we grow
and change
as human beings.
there are some of us,
that are incapable of change
believing themselves so right
so fucking on top of the world
that they will never change.

remain immature
remain ignorant
remain in that shelled world of yours.
stay with those around you
those of your kind.
you will never know pain
as I have known pain.
you will never understand suffering
you may think yourself lucky

that you know none of those
that you will never experience those.
however I think of you as
as unenlightened
as naive
as primitive
as unable to open your eyes to what matters
to what is important in life.
go on
live your life as you always have
thinking it is so difficult
just because one morsel of food
is not laid out for you.

you will never know to scrounge for it.
go wallow
and complain at the many hours
you may work

but then spend it all on frivolities
because there are no bills to pay
no rent to keep with
no tuition fees to concern yourself with.
think your classes are difficult
that they take from your fun in life
but then forget that there are some
who are not even able to afford higher education
and without their hours
would have nothing to eat at home.

[47th & University Way]
on my way back from buying art supplies
i run into a homeless man asking passerbys for spare change.
i haven't carried any cash with me since i stopped working in restaurants.
i smile apologetically
and say "i'm sorry. i don't have any."
what i always say to those who ask me for change.
i run into those kinds of people a lot.
i assume things-
that they will use it for alcohol
but he looks at me
this old, old man and smiles.
he says, "don't be sorry about it, pretty girl.
if you don't have any, that's fine.
you have a nice day now."
it takes me by surprise sometimes
how much i judge people
how much i assume about them
how much i think i know them
when in reality
i know nothing at all.
i was no one to assume those things
and yet i did.
i try not to judge people
not to set my initial impressions of them in concrete.
but lately, i've been forgetting that.

it's a new year for everyone.
i think it's time to tuck away that old drawing pad
and pull out some fresh sheets
to sketch my world on.

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